David Dalton
2015-02-24 05:54:01 UTC
Tonight (until 0700 UTC Feb. 24) there is supposed to be
a medium geomagnetic storm, and I can feel some tingling
in my palms, so I figured I would repost the material below.
Note that the aurora may be visible where you are, for
more see http://edu-observatory.org/eo/aurora.html .
Chi sensitivity
Sometime in the spring of 1992 I began to be sensitive to chi
in my palms and fingers --- i.e, I could often, especially
late at night, sense a tingling or warming in the hands,
sometimes orientation dependent, and sometimes stronger
during geomagnetic storms. Later this has progressed to
warming/pulsing of or between individual fingers, or even
dowsing effects (flashes in fingers when walking, perhaps
over buried streams), and to spark sensations which I will
describe later. The tingling is intensified at some music
concerts, and I think is related to low frequency acoustics
among other things. It is also intensified by some yoga
asanas, especially twists, and by bending back/stretching
the fingers. It may be related to the acupuncture effects
of the thorns described on http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/sunstare.html
(though the thorns were thicker and blunter than acupuncture
needles, and more painful).
Mystic sparks
Over the years, beginning in perhaps 1994, I have experienced
in addition to the chi warming (sometimes cold fire) and
tingling other effects such as throbbing/warming in
fingertips or knuckles, of course the orca hot foot which
I will describe later, and some spark/shock type effects.
Some may say that these are just static sparks, but they
have occurred in humid conditions when I am motionless and
well away from metal, and concentrating on swirling chi
with music or on a yoga pose, or sometimes just sensing
the environment. Sensitivity increases after walking for
twenty minutes.
The first spark occurred when my BC yoga teacher Gioia Irwin
was demonstrating a pose where one leg is stretched back
behind, one folded in front, and arms up and back, back
arched. As she raised her forearms back I got zapped with
a spark to the centre of the right forearm. The pose
she was demonstrating was Valakhilyasana, and the
Valakhilya are said to be thumb-sized entities that
follow the sun's chariot (and I call them "little
messengers of the sun"). These mystic sparks feel more
like living hummingbird sparks than dead static ones.
I haven't experienced one in a few years now.
Orca hot foot
Also, my orca hot foot occurred in November of 1995, at the
Vancouver aquarium orca pool. I did a yoga mula-bandha (deep,
rooted, raspy, my niece said mine sounds like the wind)
breath near the orcas. I think the female, Bjossa, was
closest but am not sure; there were also one or two other
orcas (Finna, Hyack?) and I think one dolphin in the pool,
and belugas in a nearby pool. I got an extremely strong,
almost electric shock on my right foot, which I had to raise
slightly. I doubt this was a pinched nerve as someone has
suggested, since It has never occurred on any other occasion.
a medium geomagnetic storm, and I can feel some tingling
in my palms, so I figured I would repost the material below.
Note that the aurora may be visible where you are, for
more see http://edu-observatory.org/eo/aurora.html .
Chi sensitivity
Sometime in the spring of 1992 I began to be sensitive to chi
in my palms and fingers --- i.e, I could often, especially
late at night, sense a tingling or warming in the hands,
sometimes orientation dependent, and sometimes stronger
during geomagnetic storms. Later this has progressed to
warming/pulsing of or between individual fingers, or even
dowsing effects (flashes in fingers when walking, perhaps
over buried streams), and to spark sensations which I will
describe later. The tingling is intensified at some music
concerts, and I think is related to low frequency acoustics
among other things. It is also intensified by some yoga
asanas, especially twists, and by bending back/stretching
the fingers. It may be related to the acupuncture effects
of the thorns described on http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/sunstare.html
(though the thorns were thicker and blunter than acupuncture
needles, and more painful).
Mystic sparks
Over the years, beginning in perhaps 1994, I have experienced
in addition to the chi warming (sometimes cold fire) and
tingling other effects such as throbbing/warming in
fingertips or knuckles, of course the orca hot foot which
I will describe later, and some spark/shock type effects.
Some may say that these are just static sparks, but they
have occurred in humid conditions when I am motionless and
well away from metal, and concentrating on swirling chi
with music or on a yoga pose, or sometimes just sensing
the environment. Sensitivity increases after walking for
twenty minutes.
The first spark occurred when my BC yoga teacher Gioia Irwin
was demonstrating a pose where one leg is stretched back
behind, one folded in front, and arms up and back, back
arched. As she raised her forearms back I got zapped with
a spark to the centre of the right forearm. The pose
she was demonstrating was Valakhilyasana, and the
Valakhilya are said to be thumb-sized entities that
follow the sun's chariot (and I call them "little
messengers of the sun"). These mystic sparks feel more
like living hummingbird sparks than dead static ones.
I haven't experienced one in a few years now.
Orca hot foot
Also, my orca hot foot occurred in November of 1995, at the
Vancouver aquarium orca pool. I did a yoga mula-bandha (deep,
rooted, raspy, my niece said mine sounds like the wind)
breath near the orcas. I think the female, Bjossa, was
closest but am not sure; there were also one or two other
orcas (Finna, Hyack?) and I think one dolphin in the pool,
and belugas in a nearby pool. I got an extremely strong,
almost electric shock on my right foot, which I had to raise
slightly. I doubt this was a pinched nerve as someone has
suggested, since It has never occurred on any other occasion.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning (S. McLachlan)
You must face alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break"
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning (S. McLachlan)
You must face alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break"