The rules of this group
(too old to reply)
Margaret Studer
2011-12-04 01:02:11 UTC
Hi, I am new here. Is there some place I can read the rules for
posting on this group?

Thank you.

======================================= MODERATOR'S COMMENT:
The most important rule is to be polite - no name calling and the like. Try to stay on topic as much as possible (though even those of us who built the group tend to wander from time to time). And enjoy the company! -Baird
M. JL Esq.
2011-12-04 05:52:23 UTC
Post by Margaret Studer
Hi, I am new here. Is there some place I can read the rules for
posting on this group?
Thank you.
The most important rule is to be polite - no name calling and the like. Try to stay
on topic as much as possible (though even those of us who built the group
tend to wander from time to time). And enjoy the company! -Baird
"Do as thou wilt and harm ye none?".......

Ginger Carrot Martini

2 slices of Orange

2 slices fresh Ginger

2 ounces Carrot Juice

2 ounces Apple Juice

2 ounces Vodka

2 ounces Orange Liqueur


Candied Ginger to Garnish


Muddle the orange and fresh ginger then place in a cocktail shaker. Fill
the shaker with ice. Add the carrot juice, apple juice, vodka and orange
liqueur. Shake well, strain into martini glasses and garnish with the
candied ginger.

[Note: "muddle" means to crush with mortar and pestle or other wise puree.]


Replace the vodka with a good quality ginger ale or ginger “beer”.

Replace the orange liqueur with 2 ounce fresh orange juice mixed with 1
TBS. Honey or Agave Nectar.
J (obligatory emoticon:) L
