'lo everyone
(too old to reply)
2011-11-06 22:58:26 UTC
'lo everyone,

just your average joe-wiccan looking for like-minded folks to chat with and trade ideas/opinions/dead-baby-jokes (just kidding!... but not really if you have any good ones...)

i've been seriously practicing and studying for the past fifteen-ish years or so, most of it as an eclectic, now in more of a traditional manner. my personal practice outside of coven work is very influenced by eastern themes, especially buddhist philosophy and meditation, and i enjoy learning about ritual, theory, and practice from all different world traditions.

i look forward to contributing to this newsgroup and to meeting everyone in discussion.

2011-11-06 23:34:30 UTC
Post by f***@gmail.com
'lo everyone,
just your average joe-wiccan looking for like-minded folks to chat
with and trade ideas/opinions/dead-baby-jokes (just kidding!... but
not really if you have any good ones...)
i've been seriously practicing and studying for the past fifteen-ish
years or so, most of it as an eclectic, now in more of a traditional
manner. my personal practice outside of coven work is very
influenced by eastern themes, especially buddhist philosophy and
meditation, and i enjoy learning about ritual, theory, and practice
from all different world traditions.
i look forward to contributing to this newsgroup and to meeting everyone in discussion.
Merry Meet and welcome!

There's not a lot of activity here at the moment, however if you ask a good
question I'm sure some interesting responses will come out of the woodwork.
We don't get much fresh blood, err, new faces these days (Dead Baby Joke
warning: what's blue and sits in a corner? A baby with a plastic bag over
its head. What's green and sits in a corner? Same baby, three months later)

Meanwhile, I'd encourage you to look through the extensive archives via
Google Groups and if you have any questions, please speak up.

Myself, I am an eclectic eclectic of no fixed path. I feel torn between
Liberal Quaker-style Christianity and neo-Wiccan Paganism when I'm feeling
spiritual, with a goodly with of general hedonism and skepticism thrown in
when I'm not. I describe myself as "a non-practicing agnostic" because its a
Koan. I like Koans.

My spiritual practice, such as it is, revolves around "hearth" activities,
mostly - I find making bread (by hand) a profoundly spiritual experience and
thats my main practice. Read into that all you like :-). And meditation for
me is drawing and painting, working with colour. And occasionally getting my
feet wet in the ocean. I'm on the east coast of Australia.

Blessed be!

2011-11-09 00:29:15 UTC
Post by Yowie
There's not a lot of activity here at the moment, however if you ask a good
question I'm sure some interesting responses will come out of the woodwork.
We don't get much fresh blood, err, new faces these days (Dead Baby Joke
warning: what's blue and sits in a corner? A baby with a plastic bag over
its head. What's green and sits in a corner? Same baby, three months later)
fantastic! one i haven't heard before. i knew there was a reason i was drawn to post here... what do you say when you see a wheelbarrow full of dead babies? 'Pitchfork!' what's worse then a wheelbarrow full of dead babies? one live one at the bottom eating its way to the top.

and to be honest, with multiple web fora, yahoo groups, facebook, youtube, etc., i'm very much cool with a somewhat slower paced, relaxed environment where if i miss a day i won't spend the next day catching up.
Post by Yowie
Meanwhile, I'd encourage you to look through the extensive archives via
Google Groups and if you have any questions, please speak up.
slow time for me really in terms of craft discussion generators. i think its the 'tween samhain and solstice' doldrums. it almost seems like there should be something mid-november just to keep the momentum going (besides thanksgiving in the states). luckily we've got the county fair this weekend... i go just to have some of whatever disgusting food they're frying this year.

Post by Yowie
My spiritual practice, such as it is, revolves around "hearth" activities,
mostly - I find making bread (by hand) a profoundly spiritual experience and
thats my main practice. Read into that all you like :-). And meditation for
me is drawing and painting, working with colour. And occasionally getting my
feet wet in the ocean. I'm on the east coast of Australia.
sounds like a lot of fun. while i'm east-coast of the US, i'm not much of an ocean fan. although i love homemade bread, i'm a little too lazy for 'by hand'... i settle for 'by machine on the kitchen counter'. i don't have one yet, but i'm saving my pennies for a nice breadmaker which i will hopefully have for the holidays.

its amazing what can be made into spiritual practice with enough desire, interest, and focus.


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