I retract my claim to be a major pagan figure for now
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2012-10-31 01:56:30 UTC
In the past I have claimed to be an Opener of the Way or
a global shaman, or the latest
avatar/christ/messiah/buddha/maitreya/Prophet/major pagan figure type.

However I cannot really claim any of that, despite
the signs I have experienced so far, until I am
out of the low years.

In the case of past figures their low years have
generally lasted seven years but in my case I am
at 16.75 years and counting. It could be that I
will have to wait until 7+11=18 years (the 11 is
from the 11 year sunspot cycle).

Some of the signs I have experienced so far are:

1. five waning crescent highs from 1991 to 1994
2. clear sky lightning at the start of some such highs
3. a sun stare, with tunneling beyond the sun (the
heavens opened) followed by a descent of wings
and my falling into the water (baptism by nature)
4. a naked thorn hill climb
5. a blue rose vision near the top of the thorns
6. several waxing gibbous moon trials
7. three times a waning crescent high began 5.5 lunar
months (162 days, 6 solar rotations) after onset
of a waxing gibbous moon trial
8. low (a little in terms of mood but more in terms
of creativity and delusion) years began Jan. 29, 1996
and have not ended yet, after 16.75 years. I think
I have had to go so much longer than the usual 7 years
since I have had access to lithium and olanzapine.

Now it could be that e.g. some know of past figures
who have had a blue rose vision but haven't told
me since I don't share their religion, and I attribute
the source of the blue rose vision to Gaia (The Earth)
while they might attribute it to some other source
(e.g. Mary). But I have experienced the sign so they
should acknowledge me (but not follow me, I want no
followers, though I do want my messages read) out
of respect for their own past figures.

Again I cannot claim any lofty title until I come out
of the low years. And I expect that I will have to
edit my Salmon on the Thorns web page a bit before
e.g. Sarah McLachlan might post its URL on her
Facebook and Twitter accounts and thereby possibly
multiply the number of readers by 100. :-)
I do still claim to be her fool.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/nf.html Newfoundland&Labrador Travel & Music
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"Here I go again...back into the flame" (Sarah McLachlan)
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2012-11-29 02:02:01 UTC
Post by David Dalton
In the past I have claimed to be an Opener of the Way or
a global shaman, or the latest
avatar/christ/messiah/buddha/maitreya/Prophet/major pagan figure type.
However I cannot really claim any of that, despite
the signs I have experienced so far,
There can be only One!
I "AM", it is my Name in the Books. . . . .
I am the "Mountain", THE The Descendant!
I Know where the Doors are, to Prove it!
You identify to me what Your based on!
Prove to me your the Avatar of the Arianhod, and that she "told you your

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